How do streamers make money?

How do streamers make money?

Streamers have the potential to generate substantial earnings, even if their audience is not substantial in size. We invite you to explore a plethora of income streams available to influencers, which are suitable for streamers of any audience scale.

May 16 20234 min read

Expensive houses, brand clothes, plastic surgery and travelling around the globe. Twitch stars can afford to live big, and newly-minted streamers with online up to 100 people quit their jobs and earn more than the average salary in their region is. Where’s that money from and how to make money streaming? Let's figure it out together.\

The income directly stems from the support of your audience. But you can start off earning $500 and more even with a modest online. The only problem is that no one guarantees that you get this amount at the end of the month. It consists of different sources and you’re the one directly in charge of your income. You’ll also take risks for possible failures. Still, if you know all the methods of monetization and implement them in your stream, then reaching a regular income is a real thing.

The income directly stems from the support of your audience

The first and the most obvious source of profit is donations. You can just attach a link for donations to your profile and get some money from your audience. And there is no cap in this case. You might be regularly, but modestly supported by the same people, when one day a sheikh shows up on your stream and thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars fall in your lap. The downside is that your sheikh may never show up, so you shouldn't rely on crazy sums.

biggest donation

Bits are an analogue of regular donations and the main difference is they do not come from third-party services, but directly through Twitch. Another distinctive feature of Bits is that you can customize them to a greater extent. For instance, you can use integrations and allow viewers to affect the course of the game and your stream with their help.

Paid subscriptions are a good way to generate predictable and regular income. The control panel shows detailed statistics of your earnings, so with its help you will know exactly how much money will come during a calendar month. The more you work on your community’s growth, the more people will be willing to become a part of it and subscribe for a fee.

You can establish your own merchandise shop, wherein you will vend products associated with yourself or your channel. Hence, it is crucial to construct a robust personal brand and incorporate recognizable symbolism to instill a desire within your audience to procure your items such as stickers, caps, hoodies, and any other imaginative creations that come to mind.

streamers merch

Streamers can also sell their products or services. Artists can broadcast how they draw Emotes for someone else's channel, and thus what they get is content, plus payment from the customer, and they also promote their services. Some sell their paintings. And then popular authors can also sell their own merchandise.

You can also attract people to subscription-based services. Such as Patreon or Onlyfans and. You can create additional content there – publish photo shoots, videos, chapters of your books or whatever comes to your mind. It’s the streamer who decides on the level of such content and the price tag for each piece, so you should think about what is it you could offer to the audience so that they support you on a monthly basis and receive exclusive content in return.

The revenue derived from advertising integrations

One of the biggest slices of the pie is advertising. Streamers normally get their Twitch income from ads that appear during their broadcasts, but the most significant amounts come from exclusive partnerships with known brands. Here’s plenty of options for decent earnings, so stay tuned and we will tell you more about it next time. But here’s a couple of things to get you started: you can get paid for such things as brand banners placement, for using and demonstrating a third-party service, for certain products (chairs, tech, energy drinks) appearing in the frame; for a playthrough, for participating in tournaments, etc.

streamers promotion

Game developers would gladly remunerate you for spending a couple of hours engaging in their game and recommending it to your acquaintances. Moreover, they might even extend an invitation for you to become a steadfast ambassador for their game on a permanent basis.

The sole challenge lies in the fact that brand offers and remuneration are directly proportional to the magnitude of your audience. Consequently, streamers with a modest viewership often find themselves excluded. However, this does not signify that having only 10-50 online spectators renders you incapable of receiving compensation for advertising integrations from brands. There exist specialized platforms where companies aggregate proposals tailored to influencers with a smaller audience, such as Here, you will not only gain access to the newest gaming titles, but also enjoy exclusive perks. By utilizing our platform, you can not only entertain your audience but also provide them with mutually beneficial opportunities. We offer avenues for both streamers and viewers to earn rewards! Take a look at the ongoing offers tailored for streamers.

paid offers for small influencers

The most important thing is not to dwell too much on one source of income, but rather to work towards several directions at the same time. This way if one plummets, then you can make a living out of the second one ;)

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