How to get followers

How to get followers

The number of followers is one of the first metrics that aspiring streamers chase after, but you can relax as gathering your initial audience is not as difficult as it may seem. We offer you our tips on how to find followers for your stream, not only through attracting new viewers but also organic followers.

May 28 20233 min read

We gradually reveal the nuances of streaming, tips that help you make progress in this direction and info regarding what to do, from the very first launch to building a powerful personal brand. Now it's time to give some recommendations for attracting your first followers.


Online is very important, so most streamers tend to focus on this indicator, sometimes to the detriment of the rest. For sure, online is more important than the number of followers, who may never visit the channel again, but the latter is also important for this very matter, it makes people return to your channel and it also serves your and some advertisers’ inner peace.

Legitimate ways to get new subscribers can be divided into two categories - organic and motivational (works for freeloaders). Forget about cheating and embedding, there are much more drawbacks to such practices than benefits, don't ruin your channel.

An appeal asking to follow your channel refers to the organic influx group:

- Regularly enunciate your appeal vocally. Explain how important this is for you and for the development of the channel.

- Set up a command in your chatbot with a request to click on the heart and follow you. Your appeal must sound sincere. Set a timer for automatic publication so that you’re not distracted while playing - the text is published in the chat without you being involved.

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- Play together with your followers.

- Set your chat to follow mode. When in this mode, only your followers can write to the chat on your channel. It's a controversial tool. On the one hand, if the viewer wants to write something, he’ll have to subscribe. But on the other hand, there are people who will make a decision to subscribe only after a little dialogue with the streamer. If they cannot access the chat, it’s very likely that they will simply leave. So it's up to you.

- Don’t forget to set up a “new follower” alert. Funny alert options encourage more viewers to take action. You can also display the latest follower on the screen. Some people really like to show off on the streamer's screen.

- Show some personal attention. You can write the nicknames of the new arrivals on the board, walls, body, or name in-game characters after them.

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- You can also search for a new audience in streaming communities, where stream viewers and other influencers are present, with whom you can arrange collaborations. By the way, our Discord channel is one such community.

Utilizing Viewer Motivation to Boost Your Twitch Follower Count

Viewer motivation is a great way to boost your number of followers. The effect will be fast, but the quality of these follows is doubtful: such viewers are interested in free gifts, and not in you and your broadcasts. Moreover, this method requires additional expenses. In an attempt to get out of the bottom of Twitch, you need to arm yourself with all the tools and the main thing is to combine them properly.

- You can promise a small gift to each follower. An in-game skin, a postcard, anything that you can afford and that can be of value to others.

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- If you currently don't have the ability to run giveaways, consider using the service Firstly, we offer cool gaming gifts for your community, and secondly, with our platform, you can earn money on your stream by performing simple actions. Even if your audience is still very small ;)

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- Arrange prize draws for each stage marking a significant number of followers. Top ten, first fifty followers, first hundred.

- Raffle gifts among all subscribers at random.

- Customize channel rewards. They should be relevant goodies: skins, real money, Steam Gift Cards, maybe even a smartphone or PC accessories. This way you will not only get followers, but also a stable online.

Try out these methods and determine which one suits you best. We wish you rapid development in your streaming career and a growing number of dedicated followers.

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