How to grow a YouTube gaming channel - 5 rules

How to grow a YouTube gaming channel - 5 rules

You may have heard that gaming channels, they’ve lost their former popularity and it is now nearly impossible to find your audience. There are lots of Influencers on YouTube, while Twitch and TikTik can also offer a fair share of entertainment for gaming fans, which means that just everything that could be offered is already present on the market. Or is it? Let's talk about YouTube promotions.

Dec 16 20223 min read

Sure thing, it’s all nonsense! You wanna run a cool gaming channel? Go ahead, it WILL be a success! It’s okay if you repeat yourself, what matters is HOW you do it. If you want to focus on gameplay and not industry news, then personality is the key, as opposed to the very game (or games) chosen just for the sake of one advancing in his or her career. People are interested in seeing how other players have experienced certain things, what their emotions were, and what decisions they have made. Now, that’s the reason they review the playthrough of Detroit: Become Human for the hundredth time. And if you plan to guide your followers and be useful, then in addition to your personality, the presentation style and structuring of the material will play an important role.

Let's get back to the main topic. How to promote a gaming channel? Regardless of the direction you choose, be it news, guides or playthroughs,- there are several core rules, which are the integral components of your future success.

Rule #1: deliver daily.

Don’t take it literally, but get ready: you will have to release videos often. We mean it. Especially if playthroughs are your choice. It could even be several releases per day. Get ready to work a lot. Otherwise, the audience will promptly leave you for someone who’s ready to keep a high pace or your viewers could even start to listen to your streams in the background. The good news is that production and editing won’t take that much time. And if in the future you want to improve the quality without sacrificing the regularity of the releases, you can delegate the editing part to someone else. On top of that, YouTube really loves this kind of authors, and the algorithm will happily promote you among the proper audience.

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Rule #2: get done what you’ve started.

If you took on a playthrough, don't quit the game halfway, even if you really want to. In order to build a habit, you should start with small projects. Find a comfortable pace and figure out what your favorite genres are. By posting complete playthroughs, you’ll gain the trust of your audience, they’ll be sure that you’re not gonna give up a game that’s interesting for them and will surely come back to watch your videos. This rule also applies to guides and tutorials. If you decide to disclose the details of the game, don’t stop after releasing a sole video on it, let the incoming audience linger. Besides, you never know which exact video will attract newcomers.

Rule #3: make playlists.

This takes mere minutes, but it’ll make the lives of your viewers much easier, this is especially true for the newcomers to your channel.

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Rule #4: keep your style consistent.

If there’s several sections on your channel, or you play-through different games, create a unique preview design for each of them. Users should visually grasp that this is a continuation of Project Zomboid and not be forced to decrypt the lengthy titles.

Rule #5: mind Shorts and TikTok.

Yes, you may hate them. Yes, it takes time. But don't you even think about neglecting these tools. You get a huge amount of traffic for free, spending minimum time. Just make a cut out of the most interesting fragments from a video. Some kind of an epic kill, a weird bug, a useful feature that you haven’t noticed in the game before (and most surely it’s not you alone), a mini-lesson on crafting a potion or finding a game item. The short format is dominant nowadays, so make sure to use that to your advantage.

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If you want to boost all this tips and make your grow faster - you definitely should use It works for any kind of content creators, especially for gamers and game developers.

There’s so much more YouTube marketing tips & tricks up our sleeve and we’re ready to share them with you. So stay tuned and work on your content regularly. Improve, have fun and become successful on YouTube!

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