League of Legends Skins Guide
Image by Riot games

League of Legends Skins Guide

A Guide to Skins in League of Legends: Understanding the Differences in Costs, Obtaining Methods, and Rarity of Skins, Including Ultimate Skins

Jan 18 20246 min read

League of Legends has accumulated over 1,600 skins for champions throughout the years. This number does not even include Chroma skins and skins for totems. It can be quite challenging to navigate through the vast selection of skins. Not only are they divided by price and theme, but they also vary in the ways they can be obtained and their rarity. Let's explore this topic together.

Timeworn or archive skins

Let's begin by discussing the most economical skins – Timeworn or archive skins. These skins were taken out of the store over 5 years ago because they didn't meet the new quality standards and had less popularity than newer releases. Typically, these skins only made minor changes to textures, occasionally character models, and less frequently, visual effects. When they were available, prices for these skins ranged from 390 to 520 RP. They are not currently available for purchase, but you may still obtain them through Hextech crafting, or during limited events when the archive skin store is open.

Phantom Karthus

Skins priced at 750 RP

For those who are looking for an affordable way to change the appearance of their favorite champion, there are budget-friendly skins available. These skins generally involve minor changes to the character model and alterations to the texture. At this price point, the skins usually have a particular theme, like Academy skins.

academy themed skins league of legends

Standard skins 975 RP

This type of skin involves reworking the texture and model of a character. Sometimes, the animations, visual effects, and sound effects of abilities are also changed. In the past, Riot Games would often release a champion with a skin of this category. However, in recent years they have shifted towards releasing champions with skins of the next tier, which we will discuss next.

Blood Moon Elise - League of Legends

Epic Skins 1350 RP

Epic skins are a type of skins that offer a good balance between price and quality. They include a new model, textures, changes to visual and sound effects, and sometimes alterations to the champion's voice effects. They are currently the most common type of skins being released and for their cost, you can find numerous beautiful thematic sets. Moreover, the design and detailing of epic skins released in recent years are several levels higher than old Legendary skins (like Forecast Janna), making them easily outshine in terms of quality.

coven akali

Legendary skins 1820 RP

Legendary skins are some of the most highly sought-after skins in League of Legends. They are a great way to celebrate a champion's main player. These skins not only bring in new models, textures, and ability effects but also include modified and expanded voice lines for the character. Many of these skins not only enhance the visual perception of the character but also add to their story. For example, the Teemo Omega Squad skin's new audio tracks tell us about the yordle's difficult fate and how he has lost many comrades-in-arms.

teemo omega squad

If you're interested in receiving free RP for buying skins, you can join our Drops program. Drops offers regular opportunities to win currency for games like League of Legends, VALORANT and Fortnite. You can also win gift cards for popular platforms like Steam and Amazon.

Ultimate Skins 3250 RP

There are only 7 Ultimate skins in the game, making them the rarest. However, their rarity is based on their release frequency, which happens only once every few years. If you're willing to spend some money or have good luck with Hextech crafting, getting one of these skins won't be difficult. In addition to the benefits offered by previous skin tiers, Ultimate skins often come in a group. For example, DJ Sona has three variations with different colors, and Elemental Lux allows you to purchase one skin with access to 10 different skins, each with unique models and animations. Expected that in 2024, an Ultimate skin for Ahri will be released.

Elementalist Lux ‐ ultimate skins League of Legends

Mysthic Skins

Mythic skins are a unique type of skins that can only be obtained through Hextech crafting. There are two ways to get them: either collect the required amount of Mythic Essence and buy them, or hope that they randomly drop while Hextech crafting. However, relying on randomness might not be the most reliable option due to the large number of available skins. It's worth noting that these skins may have limited-time sales, so if you're particularly interested in one of them, it's better to act quickly and make the purchase. Hextech Kog'Maw

Chroma Skins

Chroma skins are skins that have a different color palette than their original counterparts. They are available at a price of 290 RP per skin and can be purchased with blue essence during sales that occur at least once a year. It is not recommended to buy chroma skins with RP as you can obtain them without spending real money during these sales. Additionally, there can be five or more chromas for a single skin.

Victorious Skins

Once a year, Riot Games gives away one Victorious Skin for free to players. These skins are considered rare due to a few reasons. Firstly, until 2023, you could only get them if you achieved a Gold rank or higher in the ranked season. However, starting from 2023, the system was simplified, and it's enough to simply play ranked games. Secondly, if you haven't played the game in previous years, you can't obtain these skins. Therefore, encountering Victorious Skins from the early seasons of the game is quite rare.

Victorious Janna

Championship Skins

Starting in 2012, Championship Skins have been released every year to coincide with the League of Legends World Championship. These skins contribute to the prize pool, with a portion of the proceeds from their sale going towards it. These skins are only available for purchase during a limited time, shortly before the start of Worlds and throughout its duration.

championship Riven

There is a separate category of skins that are frequently discussed among gamers - Championship Winner Skins. These skins are created exclusively for each player of the winning team, who can choose a champion for whom the skin will be designed. The skins in this series are named after the victorious team.


The Rarest Skins in League of Legends

There are certain skins in League of Legends that are very difficult to obtain. Some of the relatively easier options include Riot Kayle and Blitzcrank. These skins were obtainable by attendees through codes given out at events until 2016, and while they can still be obtained through Hextech crafting, it remains a challenging task. Obtaining skins from PAX exhibitions is even more difficult. PAX Sivir was one of these skins, but its value was slightly diminished by Riot Games when it was added during one of the events in the Mythic Shop. However, PAX Twisted Fate remains one of the rarest skins. In terms of high-level rarity, there's Black Alistar, which was bundled with pre-orders of the League of Legends collector's edition before its release. From pre-order statistics, it's estimated that around 65,000 people received this skin back in 2009.

black alistar

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