Meet the leaderboard!

Meet the leaderboard!

We are excited to announce the release of a major update to our platform. We have added a brand new leaderboard feature that enhances the overall experience for our users by providing transparency and fairness in our giveaways.

Jan 16 20231 min read

With the leaderboard, users can now:

  • See how many entries other users have claimed
  • Compare their chances of winning in our giveaways
  • Stay updated on the competition
  • Track their own progress

It's important to note that while the leaderboard provides users with valuable information, the prizes are still awarded randomly and the creators of giveaways can still scale the prizes.

We believe this feature will add excitement to the platform and we encourage all of our users to check it out. Keep an eye on the leaderboard to see where you stand and to stay updated on the competition. Happy claiming!

Try out the new system

To showcase the new feature, we have created a drop with cool prizes. You can try out the new features of the platform, as well as become the first in the leaderboard. Compete for prizes and use the update in your drops. We encourage you to give it a try and see how it can enhance your experience on our platform.

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