How to promote campaigns on

How to promote campaigns on

How to run a top-notch promo campaign on that leaves your client happy and boosts your reputation among both game developers and your own community. Here are some practical tips to help you pull off the most effective streaming promo campaign.

Sep 12 20234 min read

Getting into game or product promotion can be tricky, especially if you're doing it for the first time. But even if you've got some experience and you're getting promotional offers, take a moment to think. How often do the same companies come back for more collaboration? Were they happy with the work you did? Even if you find that companies often return, you can still pick up some tips from this article to improve your promotional strategies further. Alternatively, you can join our community and share your own insights. For everyone else, let's dive into how to properly promote, especially if you're looking at game campaigns listed on

Only apply to campaigns that you think are a good fit for your community!

Whether you've been approached directly for a promotion or you're choosing from a list of campaigns on, it's crucial that you feel a real connection with the game or product you're promoting. It should be a game you'd want to play even if you weren't getting paid for it. Take a moment to consider if it really aligns with your interests or the type of games you usually stream, as well as how much your audience will be interested in it. After all, if you see a noticeable drop in viewership, you probably won't want to devote much time to the promo campaign. Genuine interest from the streamer is one of the key ingredients for successful promotion.

Genuinely promote the games you like, since it is an opportunity to be noticed and get a sponsorship offer from the game devs. Of course, there's nothing wrong with tactfully pointing out areas that could be improved in a game or product. However, showing disdain or indifference isn't a good idea. Doing so not only discredits your own work but also signals to your audience that you're willing to take on any project for money—which won't do any favors for your personal brand.

Add links and use special tools to make life easier for both you and your viewers.

You really should be including links and mentions of the game as much as possible. If you think a vocal mention and a link in the channel description is enough, think again. Some people might miss it, and others might find it hard—or just plain lazy—to look for it. Once you've taken on a game for promotion, we'd recommend going through this checklist:

  • Include a link to the campaign in the stream description or under your YouTube video.
  • Place the link in your chatbot with a brief note from you.
  • Use a specialized overlay for your stream.
  • Don't forget to upload a banner and an extension for Twitch.

Agent stream

Communicate the value for your audience.

Sure, some of your viewers just want to support you, so they'll do whatever you ask. But if you manage to genuinely engage with the game and spark interest in other players, they'll take action not just to back you up, but because they're sincerely interested. The cherry on top is that platforms often have specialized Drops where your viewers can earn cool rewards—like Steam or Amazon gift cards, various in-game content, and even keys to the games you're promoting. If they know that there are nice surprises in store for them too, they'll be more willing to take action, helping you earn and receive goodies along the way.

free gift card amazon. steam

Don't limit yourself to one stream for the promo campaign

After you've streamed the game once or recorded a video about it, you'll see some impact, but it's much more effective to use a multi-faceted approach. Leverage all your communication channels. You don't have to include links in every single one, but doing a little teaser before the stream or video, then conducting the stream, and afterward posting highlights with links to the campaign is the best combo. You'll warm up interest, deliver great content, and then remind people about it, catching those who missed the live stream or haven't watched the video yet. It's a good idea to revisit the campaign a few days later. Besides Twitch and YouTube, you also have other social media platforms and a Discord community. By mentioning the game more frequently, you show your audience that you're not just pushing an ad—you're genuinely hooked on the game.

Invite your audience to join you in a gaming session

If the game has a co-op or multiplayer mode, it would be awesome to share the gaming experience with someone from your community. First off, your viewers will appreciate that you're willing to give them a special spot and share a gaming session with them. Secondly, this could turn into a fun interactive feature. For example, you could invite your most loyal viewers, subscribers, or those who are actively taking actions on

In addition to these tips, we also recommend directly clarifying expectations with the client. Ask what format they'd like to see for the promotion or what results they're hoping for. It's their creation, and they might know about benefits that you don't notice right away, but that could be really handy during the promotion.

When you join a campaign and take on promoting a game or product, it's not just about making money; it's also about your professionalism and reputation. The longer you're in the gaming industry, the more you'll realize that it's a smaller world than you might have thought. You'll keep running into the same influencer managers, agencies, and game developers. The better your reputation and the higher the quality of your portfolio, the more often you'll land interesting, well-paying gigs. So, every time you take on a job, give it your all—you'll definitely be rewarded!

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